Hey Jude & Total Eclipse of the Heart – the Flowcharts
January 24, 2011
Hat Tip Love All This Click to see large Hat Tip Jeannr Click to see large
January 24, 2011
Hat Tip Love All This Click to see large Hat Tip Jeannr Click to see large
December 8, 2008
This Sunday Times article invites us to think of debt not as misfortune but as an opportunity. ..far from being a catastrophe, a debt is the start of a beautiful, if lengthy, relationship. It’s not: how am I ever going to pay all of this back? It’s more: how am…
Meet Will Gompertz. He isn’t funny. So he signed up for a 10-week comedy course – and then tried his gags out on a paying audience. He relives a terrifying ordeal I can’t tell a joke. That’s OK: I can’t remove an appendix or parse a Latin sentence either; you…
July 7, 2008
I really enjoyed this from Johnnie (including the pic). It’s funny how we instantly think of meetings as boring and pointless. I recently asked a group to do a round of introductions by recounting the best and worst meetings they’d been to. The consensus seemed to be that the more…
June 24, 2008
Oh I love this – go on, indulge yourself for 4 minutes, just because it’s Tuesday…makes me want to pack my bags and get on a plane..this is truly gorgeous. Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo. Hat Tipp Garr Reynolds and Matt
February 8, 2008
Jill Sobule and Rives give their interpretation of Super Tuesday when 30 zillion voters in 20-something states pick from just a half a dozen candidates.. on NPR’s Bryant Park Project Hat tip to TED I wonder if Rives will be performing in New York at the end of April?
November 29, 2007
Apologies for the poor output in blogging terms the last week or so. I’ve been doing various kinds of writing – for clients and for myself and somehow blogging has come a poor third. Moving between different kinds of voices, vernaculars and themes has been interesting to say the least…
October 11, 2007
This excerpt from Truth in Advertising (via Johnnie) made me laugh, particularly following on from our conversation about the shadow side of organisations. My initial thoughts after laughing at it were that life would be extremely difficult and unpleasant if we all told the truth all of the time, so…