April 29, 2009
I stepped out for a moment and before I knew it a few months had passed – funny how that happens isn’t it? Other things take priority and suddenly you forget bits of your routine that seemed so embedded in how you used to do business.
It was while working with a group of artists in Carlow today that I was prompted to put cyber pen to paper again. One’s credibility about the value of (social) networking starts to wane when one isn’t in fact walking one’s talk. Today’s workshop was about earning opportunities for artists (the link to the resources for the day is here) and the bulk of the day (once again) seemed to focus on the challenge for individual practitioners who want public recognition for their work to take charge of their practice/business and ‘sell’ themselves and their wares. It’s a perpetual theme in workshops with artists – the personal nature of the work is what makes it unique and distinctive but it also contributes to the dilemma of how to promote yourself without it feeling like a form of prostitution. I really want to run a group or workshop on confidence building/anxiety management for artists – any takers?
Today’s workshop was organised by Visual Artists Ireland and Artlinks – both sites have great resources for artists in all disciplines.
Oh yes, forgive me for the disappearing act…