Meaning and Motivation at Work ISPSO 2008
March 29, 2008
The annual meeting of ISPSO takes place in Philadelphia between 20 and 22 June this year. The title of this conference is Meaning and Motivation at work. If you are interested in how organisations ‘really work’; and are curious about how emotion and unconscious processes influence how and what gets done then this gathering of consultants, managers and academics is the place to be. Before the main part of the proceedings there are four days of professional development workshops (16 – 19 June) open to anyone to attend. The questions being covered this year include:
How does one effectively market psychoanalytic work?
How does photography introduce new power into understanding organizations?
When consulting or coaching assignments involve working through impasse, what methods can encourage transformation?
What can organizations do to build resistance to corruption in their work?
There are any more fascinating topics – so if you are in the Philadelphia area and are curious about a psychoanalytic approach to working and organising check out the full schedule here.
There’s more information about ISPSO here and the full conference schedule is available here.