learning how to use every trick in the (online) book
September 6, 2007
The Irish Independent has a piece featuring my good self, Claire at Gingerpixel, Jason Freid and Krishna De on web applications for business. I had to think really hard when Marie Boran asked me to talk to her about this because so much of what I use has been seamlessly integrated into my work and my initial reaction was – I’m not a tech person – well, it appears I kind of am. When I did reflect I realised that I use the following on a daily basis
Google alerts
Google Scholar
Stumble Upon
My website and blog
Online library at the University
Endnote – particularly its ability to download searches and bibliographies from the web into my library
Meteor text messaging online
Then there’s Flickr which I use from time to time and do newspapers count if you don’t pick them up via RSS?
I still haven’t taken the leap to Facebook or MySpace and I don’t have a Twitter account – I’m ambivalent about them and maybe I’ll write a longer, more considered post some time about my ambivalence.
And I’m also sure that as soon as I post this I’ll think of a bunch of other applications I use that I take for granted…
Annette – well done on being featured in Silicon Republic and thanks for sharing your list of online applications that you use.
Are you planning to come to PodCamp Ireland on the 29 September 2007 in Kilkenny. Perhaps if you are Claire, you and I could co-lead a session on increasing productivity using online applications in business? Let me know what you think.
Hi Krishna – well done to you also. That’s a great idea about the session at Podcamp but unfortunately I’m working with a client that day and can’t attend – hopefully Claire might be able to participate.