Changing Media Summit in London
March 22, 2007
I’m currently at the Guardian Changing Media Summit in London. So far I’ve learned that:
Twitter is soooo passé
The Guardian doesn’t have wifi
The Chatham House rules don’t rule in an age of changing media
It is possible to have a PowerPoint free conference
and now I’m wondering if I should pay attention to the conference proceedings or adopt a more post modern approach and read the posts of bloggers who are reporting on the proceedings….(Unlike Antony Mayfield I haven’t yet interrupted proceedings with my loud typing.
PS: This is the scariest and most impressive conference I’ve ever been to in terms of punctuality. Every single session (including breaks and lunch) has started and ended on time..Brilliant!
**Update** Oh the mortification … somewhere during the day my mobile phone has gone missing..of all the places on the planet to lose one’s mobile…a media conference..
I know, and the conference is actually better than last year, which is nice. Ironic, dont you think, that a bloger was hauled up by someone for typing… at a conference about changing media. Duh?
Oh it’s about to get a lot more ironic…somewhere along the way my mobile phone has disappeared and I’m hoping the chairman is going to announce its disappearance before the end of the day! My phone, nicked at a new media conference…
Yayyyy – let’s hear it for NO POWERPOINT. Always puts me to sleep. What a naff prop it can be! Philip x