3 pain-free ways to build your networks
June 4, 2019

Networking is a discomforting prospect for many, but don’t wait until it’s too late to start
June 4, 2019
Networking is a discomforting prospect for many, but don’t wait until it’s too late to start
June 10, 2014
I keep returning to this Benjamin Zander TED talk in which he uses Chopin to demonstrate the essential characteristics of leadership. Apart from being passionate about your subject or area of work, you also need to believe that you can inspire others to tap into their own passions too. It’s…
February 15, 2012
András Szántó’s analysis of the mission statements of 60 museums makes for interesting reading. The accompanying Wordle is a graphic account of the most commonly used words in mission statements (which is also interesting for what is omitted). Composing a mission statement isn’t as easy as it sounds. Should a…
August 25, 2011
In reality, it is only the future that really matters when it comes to getting a mortgage. Today’s Irish Times carries an article on the availability of mortgages in Ireland. Apparently they do exist – but only if you can peer into the future, prove you will retain your own…
February 21, 2011
ARTISTS routinely deride businesspeople as money-obsessed bores. Or worse. Every time Hollywood depicts an industry, it depicts a conspiracy of knaves. Think of “Wall Street” (which damned finance), “The Constant Gardener” (drug firms), “Super Size Me” (fast food), “The Social Network” (Facebook) or “The Player” (Hollywood itself). Artistic critiques of…
February 4, 2011
I spent part of this morning with a colleague who wanted some feedback on a presentation he is giving to a leadership development organisation. He’s been short listed for inclusion in an innovative programme and part of the selection process involves the inevitable power point presentation on why he’s the…
January 26, 2011
The Science of Twitter View more presentations from Dan Zarrella.
January 14, 2011
In an age of interns, work experience and diminishing job opportunities, this diagram will help you decide whether you should work for free or not..click the image to enlarge. Hat Tip Dick O’Brien via Twitter
January 13, 2011
I have an analogy I use with artists and arts organisations when we work on strategic planning. I have friends who play golf. A lot of golf. They extol its merits and try to convince me to join them on the green. Invariably this fails as I don’t like golf,…