Overcoming bias in the workplace
August 14, 2019

Unconscious bias isn’t going away – and neither is the pressure for diverse and inclusive workplaces
August 14, 2019
Unconscious bias isn’t going away – and neither is the pressure for diverse and inclusive workplaces
April 24, 2018
I’ve recently co-authored a paper on the emotional aspects of doing research. Research, like all work, is emotional and emotion generating and in this paper I focussed on my experience of using Grounded Theory which is a particular methodology for gathering and analysing data. The point of the paper is…
November 16, 2016
I was invited to contribute a blog post to this fascinating series on Surviving Work over on the LSE Business Review. I wrote a short piece on what I term the ‘tyranny of satisfaction’. It’s everywhere…’good enough’ is no longer good enough. Expectations always exceed capacity to deliver and instead…
From the Guardian: I can see this being used as a teaching tool on psychoanalytic training courses for years and years!
June 15, 2014
I recently finished reading Adam Phillips’ new book Becoming Freud. It’s ostensibly a ‘biography’ of Freud but Phillips begins by referencing Freud’s ambivalence about the whole idea of biography; he was sceptical and distrusting of the idea of biography even though he went on to become a wonderful biographer himself! Phillips weaves…
April 5, 2012
This South Bank Show on art and insanity is really interesting and includes some fascinating insights from psychoanalyst Adam Phillips about the relationship between creativity and madness. Each part is less than 10 minutes in length.
December 12, 2011
My weekly twitter round up has been published – click here for details. There’s also a second round up focussing on the unconscious and work here.
December 6, 2011
I’ve created a new ‘newspaper’ from my twitter feed on the unconscious and work. Click here for more details.
November 29, 2011
this morning between 11.30 and 1.00 I will be making a presentation at IPTAR on the paradoxes at play in making the case for the arts in Ireland. I’ll be presenting a couple of hypotheses for discussion and am looking forward to the input of colleagues (more importantly I’ll…
November 23, 2011
Another short Adam Phillips’ interview – this time from Thinkingaloud (A wonderful resource). In this, Phillips discusses pleasure and frustration and the demand that we be happy in our lives. It used to be ‘be good’ and then’be happy’…and now the project is managing ambivalence.