Amazon's Best Business Books of 2006
December 19, 2006
Check out Amazon’s Best Business Books of 2006.
1. The Long Tail by Chris Anderson
2. Making Globalization Work by Joesph Stiglitz
3. Success Built To Last by Porras, Emery and Thompson
4. The Starfish and The Spider by Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom
5. Knowledge and The Wealth of Nations by David Warsh
6. Origin of Wealth by Eric Beinhocker
7. Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert
8. Mavericks at Work by Bill Taylor and Polly LaBarre
9. Changing Minds by Howard Gardner
10. Setting The Table by Danny Meyer
If I’m not mistaken there isn’t a single female author in the lot (ok one is jointly authored by a woman but you know what I mean)…What on earth is this saying about the state of business, authorship, publishing, online buying, Amazon’s book pickers, customers, management etc in the 21st century?
Hat Tip Leading Questions
My previous comment didn’t make it. Just pointing out
that Polly LaBarre (A woman) is co-author of what IMHO
is one of the year’s top three books.
Hi Ciaran – apologies if my exuberant spam catcher deleted your previous comment – What’s Polly LaBarre’s book?
Check out Number 8 on your list.
I thought you might be referring to another book in the comment that was deleted! What was particularly good about this book Ciaran?
I’m a long-time believer in Drucker’s ‘marketing and innovation” as the twin paths to a
successful business. Taylor and LaBarre’s book relate case after fascinating case of companies
practicing fresh thinking in today’s “new economy.” And not just start-ups you haven’t heard of but established companies such as IBM and, particulary interesting to me as a long-time-ago
employee of Unilever in the UK, P&G, that, under Lafley, is turning out to be one of the most innovative companies around.
Early in the book the authors pose five questions about company strategy that they suggest should be addressed by companies operating in today’s economy. Number 5 in this list is one of the best question I’ve seen posed anywhere: If yourcompany went out of business tomorrow, who would really miss you and why? … Can you identify one piece of how your company operates that , if it were to disappear, would be sorely missed in the marketplace? If not, can you identify one good reason why your company is not at risk of disappearing?
Have a wonderful Christmas.