21st Century Toys – Play or Dismay?
July 19, 2007
The Irish Film Institute in Temple Bar is hosting a weekend of workshops, discussions and screenings on 28 and 29 July entitled Toys on Film. I’ll be chairing a panel discussion on Sunday 29th July between 1 and 2pm at the IFI exploring 21st Century Toys – play or dismay?
How does your child play today? As Internet, mobile phone, computer games replace more conventional toys, what might be the long-term effects of such technology-driven play?
Leading representatives from Internet safety, film distribution, classification and parents’ organisations will be present to discuss this question and issues relating to contemporary toys and film.
The panel will include:
Siobhán Parkinson, award winning children’s writer.
Eric Clark, author of The Real Toy Story: Inside the Ruthless Battle for Britain’s Youngest Customers.
Graham Dillon, media and communications student and member of Young Advisory Panel of the Ombudsman for Children’s Office.
Dr Sheila Greene, Director of Children’s Research Centre, TCD.
There’ll also be a representative from the Irish Film Censor’s Office.
What an impressive line up of panellists don’t you think? Tickets are free (but do book in advance) and if you need further information call the education office at the IFI on 01 679 3477 or contact the booking office. You can always stay around to see Toy Story 2 which will screen after our discussion!
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Indeed, what a fine line up for an excellent subject. If only I lived in Dublin and could pop along in between play supervision sessions for Grace (almost 23 months).
May I offer the hope that there is also some consideration of ‘merchandised’ play, by which I mean ‘Dora’, ‘Barney’, ‘Bob the Builder’ et al… Do they spell the end to water & sand, sticks & stones?
I hope all the papers and discussion will be put up on a website or blog.
What a lovely thing to chair.
I’m sure there will be Omani – Eric Clark is a bit of an expert in that area so I’m looking forward to reading his book before we meet next weekend.